Right, to correctly use a different jQuery source we need to remove the local version and introduce our new version to WordPress. We quite like the idea of using the protocol savvy, minified, Googlefied version, here’s the code, pop this in your functions.php file:
function load_jquery() {
// only use this method is we're not in wp-admin
if (!is_admin()) {
// deregister the original version of jQuery
// discover the correct protocol to use
if($_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on') {
// register the Google CDN version
wp_register_script('jquery', $protocol.'//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js', false, '1.5.2');
// add it back into the queue
add_action('template_redirect', 'load_jquery'
Jayesh Patel
Jayesh Patel is a Professional Web Developer & Designer and the Founder of InCreativeWeb.
As a highly Creative Web/Graphic/UI Designer - Front End / PHP / WordPress / Shopify Developer, with 14+ years of experience, he also provide complete solution from SEO to Digital Marketing. The passion he has for his work, his dedication, and ability to make quick, decisive decisions set him apart from the rest.
His first priority is to create a website with Complete SEO + Speed Up + WordPress Security Code of standards.