Windows and Mac Users: 50+ Practical WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows and Mac Users: 50+ Practical WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts

Developing knowledge of WordPress keyboard shortcuts on computers can significantly increase your productivity. Your productivity might become noticeably more efficient if you are familiar with certain keyboard shortcuts for WordPress. Those who would like not switch between the keyboard and mouse will find this to be especially helpful.

There are a ton of WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts available in WP for things like content editing, carrying out particular operations, and even basic navigation.

Basic Navigation

WordPress navigation is similar to using any other website. You’ll need the following keys: Tab, Arrow, Enter, and Backspace. We go into further detail about each of these keys and how they work below.


You can navigate to the next clickable link or choice on the page by using the Tab key, starting at the top. You can move from one choice to another by pressing it in turn. Holding Shift and pressing Tab will allow you to navigate backward.

Arrow Keys

You can navigate through the post’s content by using the arrow keys, which are ←, →, ↑, and ↓.


All you have to do is hit the Enter key to confirm a dialog box or access a certain option.


You can go back to the previous page by using the Backspace key. To navigate forward, hold down the Shift key and hit Backspace key.

Post Editing

Learning the shortcuts for the post editor will greatly speed up the process of formatting and modifying your text. A thorough collection of shortcuts for managing, editing, and formatting material is provided here. These are all the tools you’ll need to create content on WordPress quickly.

Content Management

Action Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Highlight content per character Shift + ← / → Shift + ← / →
Highlight content per word Ctrl + Shift + ← / → Option + Shift + ← / →
Highlight above/below line Shift + ↑ / ↓ Shift + ↑ / ↓
Select all content Ctrl + A Cmd + A
Paste content without formatting Ctrl + Shift + V Cmd + Shift + V

Content Formatting

Action Windows Mac
Strikethrough text Shift + Alt + D Shift + Option + D
Insert link Ctrl + K Command + K
Remove link Shift + Alt + S Shift + Option + S
Apply heading 1 Shift + Alt + 1 Shift + Option + 1
Apply heading 2 Shift + Alt + 2 Shift + Option + 2
Apply heading 3 Shift + Alt + 3 Shift + Option + 3
Apply heading 4 Shift + Alt + 4 Shift + Option + 4
Apply heading 5 Shift + Alt + 5 Shift + Option + 5
Apply heading 6 Shift + Alt + 6 Shift + Option + 6
Apply paragraph formatting Shift + Alt + 7 Shift + Option + 7
Start bullet list Shift + Alt + U Shift + Option + U
Start numbered list Shift + Alt + O Shift + Option + O
Blockquote Shift + Alt + Q Shift + Option + Q
Apply code formatting Shift + Alt + X Shift + Option + X
Apply Address formatting Shift + Alt + 9 Shift + Option + 9
Center alignment Shift + Alt + C Shift + Option + C
Align right Shift + Alt + R Shift + Option + R
Align left Shift + Alt + L Shift + Option + L
Justify Shift + Alt + J Shift + Option + J
Add media Shift + Alt + M Shift + Option + M
Toggle toolbar Shift + Alt + Z Shift + Option + Z
Insert Page Break tag Shift + Alt + P Shift + Option + P
Insert Read More tag Shift + Alt + T Shift + Option + T
Switch between on and off Distraction-free setting Shift + Alt + W Shift + Option + W
Open help Shift + Alt + H Shift + Option + H


For the purpose of making comment moderation easier, WordPress has dedicated shortcuts for that section. Before using these keyboard shortcuts, make sure that comment moderation is enabled. Let’s examine the steps involved:

To get started, go to your WordPress user profile. When you get there, choose “Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.” Once this option is enabled, all of the shortcuts listed below will work. It is important to remember that in order for these shortcuts to function, each user must enable them separately.

Comment Navigation

You only need the keys J and K to move through comments with ease.

You can read the comments by scrolling down by using the J key. The comment with the highest ranking will be chosen if none are indicated. On the other hand, K lets you go up.

In addition, clicking J will advance you to the following comment page after you reach the final comment, while clicking K will return you to the previous page.

Comment Actions

The following keyboard shortcuts become active when one or more comments are highlighted; they only need to be pressed once:

Action Windows and Mac
Approve comment A
Mark as spam S
Move to trash D
Undo recent action Z
Unapprove comment U
Reply to comment R
Enable quick edit Q
Open comment editing screen E

Apply Actions in Bulk

WordPress has built-in shortcuts that are intended to be used just for carrying out operations in bulk within the comments area. A detailed list of these shortcuts may be found in the table below:

Action Windows and Mac Shortcut
Select all comments Shift + X
Approve all selected comments Shift + A
Trash selected comments Shift + T
Permanently delete selected comments Shift + D
Mark selected comments as spam Shift + S
Unapprove selected comments Shift + U
Restore select comments Shift + Z


When it comes to WordPress Website Development and management, you may be much more productive by using these keyboard shortcuts. For the most part, you don’t often use the mouse when editing, and aside from a little delay when highlighting text, you haven’t had any problems.

Jayesh Patel
Jayesh Patel

Jayesh Patel is a Professional Web Developer & Designer and the Founder of InCreativeWeb.

As a highly Creative Web/Graphic/UI Designer - Front End / PHP / WordPress / Shopify Developer, with 14+ years of experience, he also provide complete solution from SEO to Digital Marketing. The passion he has for his work, his dedication, and ability to make quick, decisive decisions set him apart from the rest.

His first priority is to create a website with Complete SEO + Speed Up + WordPress Security Code of standards.


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